During the course of last year, we decided, as a school, to research our options regarding computer programmes for our pre-school learners.
After much research and deliberation and sitting through many demonstrations, we collectively made the decision to stick with Knowledge Network.
We were however not totally satisfied that Knowledge Network was meeting all of our learners and teachers’ (Pre-school Grade 000 – to Grade 0) requirements so a meeting was duly set up with Jil Hrdliczka.
Jil was very approachable and open minded to our concerns. As a result of this meeting, Woodlands International College Pre-Primary is working with Knowledge Network on a collaborative project to create additional options to the KN-3to5 program to make learning accessible for all pre-school learners.
Having received the first programming changes, the teachers have found the implementation of the KN-3to5 program easier as it has options for all levels. The learners, especially the younger group, can now manage on a level that is suitable to each individual learner.
We look forward to the next update.
(The update to KN-3to5 educational software has been sent to all Pre-Primary schools in South Africa that are using KN-3to5 for their learners in Pre-School and Grade R. If your School is using KN-3to5 and has not received your update, please let us know.)
Mrs Jenny Copeling
Woodlands International College
Pre-Primary College Principal